Our experienced team ensures a safe, comfortable, and respectful experience for all patients.

At Klinik Munir, we understand the importance of male circumcision for both religious and health reasons. Our clinic respects and understands the religious significance of male circumcision. We offer services tailored to meet the needs of Muslim families and other communities.

Circumcision can offer health benefits, including reduced risk of certain infections and diseases. Our procedure is safe, hygienic, and performed by experienced healthcare professionals.

We provide circumcision services for children and adults.

“Sy memilih Klinik Munir utk urusan berkhatan anak2 sy kerana;

1. Doktor yg berpengalaman dlm berhadapan karenah anak-anak.
2. Staff2 nya ramah.
3. Persekitaran klinik yg bersih dan selesa.
4. Mendapat tips2 penjagaan sebelum dan selepas bersunat(sgt berguna bg ibu2 yg tidak berpengalaman spt sy)

Alhamdulillah, selesai urusan anak-anak sy hari ini. Terima kasih diucapkn kepada doktor dan semua staff yang turut membantu.

-Puan Lau

Cara Membuat Sitz Bath Rendaman Air Garam Selepas Berkhatan

  1. Penyediaan Alat dan Bahan:
    • Baldi kecil atau besen yang bersih, sesuai untuk duduk.
    • Air suam (tidak terlalu panas atau sejuk).
    • Garam Epsom atau garam biasa (tanpa pewarna atau pewangi).
  2. Penyediaan Rendaman:
    • Isikan baldi atau besen dengan air suam secukupnya untuk menutupi kawasan yang direndam.
    • Tambahkan kira-kira 1-2 sudu besar garam ke dalam air suam.
    • Kacau hingga garam larut sepenuhnya.
  3. Proses Rendaman:
    • Pastikan kawasan luka bersih sebelum duduk dalam air rendaman.
    • Duduk perlahan-lahan dalam baldi atau besen selama 10-15 minit.
    • Pastikan kawasan yang direndam sepenuhnya terkena air garam.
  4. Selepas Rendaman:
    • Angkat badan dengan berhati-hati dan tepuk kering kawasan luka menggunakan kain bersih atau tisu lembut.
    • Elakkan menggosok kawasan tersebut untuk mengelakkan kerengsaan.
    • Sapukan ubat atau krim yang disarankan oleh doktor jika diperlukan.
  5. Kekerapan:
    • Lakukan sitz bath 1-2 kali sehari atau seperti yang diarahkan oleh doktor, terutama selepas membuang air kecil atau besar untuk memastikan kebersihan.
  6. Langkah Berjaga-jaga:
    • Jangan gunakan sabun, antiseptik, atau bahan kimia lain dalam air rendaman.
    • Pastikan baldi atau besen dibersihkan setiap kali digunakan untuk mengelakkan jangkitan.
    • Jika terdapat kemerahan, bengkak, atau pendarahan luar biasa, segera rujuk kepada doktor.

Rendaman air garam ini membantu mengurangkan bengkak, melegakan kesakitan, dan mempercepat penyembuhan luka selepas berkhatan.


  1. Reduced Risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):
    • Circumcision lowers the risk of UTIs, especially in infancy. Untreated UTIs can lead to kidney problems later in life.
  2. Decreased Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs):
    • Circumcised men have a lower risk of acquiring certain STIs, including HIV, human papillomavirus (HPV), and herpes.
  3. Protection Against Penile Cancer:
    • Although rare, circumcision reduces the risk of penile cancer. It also decreases the likelihood of cervical cancer in female partners by lowering HPV transmission.
  4. Prevention of Phimosis and Paraphimosis:
    • Circumcision prevents these conditions, where the foreskin cannot be retracted (phimosis) or returned to its original position (paraphimosis), both of which can cause pain and require medical treatment.
  5. Lower Risk of Prostate Issues:
    • Some studies suggest that circumcised men may have a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer and other prostate-related conditions.


  1. Easier Hygiene:
    • Circumcision simplifies genital hygiene, making it easier to clean the penis and reducing the risk of infections and inflammation caused by the accumulation of smegma (a substance that can build up under the foreskin).
  2. Reduced Risk of Balanitis and Balanoposthitis:
    • Circumcision reduces the risk of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of both the glans and foreskin), which can occur due to poor hygiene or infections.


  1. Fulfillment of Religious Obligations:
    • For many Muslim, Jewish, and some Christian families, circumcision is an important religious rite and a mark of faith. It is often performed as a part of religious ceremonies and carries deep cultural significance.
  2. Cultural Identity and Tradition:
    • Circumcision is a cultural practice in many communities, symbolizing the transition from childhood to adulthood and marking one’s identity within the community.


  1. Parental Peace of Mind:
    • Parents who choose circumcision for religious or health reasons often experience peace of mind knowing they have fulfilled a cultural or religious obligation and taken steps to protect their childโ€™s health.
  2. Social Acceptance:
    • In communities where circumcision is a norm, being circumcised can help boys and men feel socially accepted and aligned with cultural expectations.

Male circumcision is a procedure with a variety of benefits, encompassing physical health, personal hygiene, and cultural or religious identity. While the decision to circumcise is personal and often guided by religious or cultural beliefs, it also offers significant medical advantages that can contribute to long-term health and well-being.

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